Another You


Artificial Companion

An artificial companion created in p5.js with p5.sound, p5.speech, clmtrackr, and RiveScript libraries. This is another you in the world with negative thoughts, ask about your problems and will also tell some sad short stories.
With the features of speaking, facial recognition and autospeak. You can chat with by typing in the input box and hit ENTER key/click SEND button to chat with the bot. Click AUTO button to let the bot talk by itself.

Click here to meet Another You



Video Demo on YouTube

An artificial companion who is another you. ‘It’ is the negative side of you, another version of you. It is depressed, sad, and passive. According to your face, it will automatically generate an avatar looks like yourself and have conversations with you.
It can generate an avatar figure like you, chat(in text & sound) with you and provide negative thoughts to you. It have the power of decide when to end the conversation and when to start. It can recognize some of your facial expressions or gestures and give some suggestions.
It is not a controllable ‘pet’ that you can in charge of. And it is not a happy companion.
